Feature your product with high-impact 3D product visualizations of your choice: whitespace, lifestyle, break-apart, or spin 360 renderings

Take your product to the next level with the precision of 3D product modeling, texturing, and cinematic animation. PIXREADY is ready to help you captivate your audience with photorealistic 3D renderings, make your product design process easier, tell your products’ story, and enhance your visual communication. Whether you are a product manufacturer, designer, or marketer, PIXREADY is here to bring to life 3D models of any object through our product rendering services.

3d product rendering services for vehicle design concept

Discover 3D product visualization and conceptualization

Are you currently developing a product and want to attract investors and buyers? During the early stages of product development, stunning, eye-catching imagery is created to tell the story of your product. Our 3D artists can create a realistic pre-visualization of your product without your spending a dime on development, prototyping, or manufacturing.

Perhaps you’re seeking a cost-effective alternative to traditional photography. 3D product visualization offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling us to produce stunning visuals that surpass the limitations of conventional photography. At PIXREADY, we excel in creating 3D models derived from sketches, photos, drawings, specifications, or various CAD formats to bring your vision to life.

Enhance Customer Experience with 3D Product Configuration

Do you want to improve customer experience and shorten sales cycles? Today’s buyers have higher visual expectations than ever. They want to engage with a product in real time, explore it from every angle, move it around, tweak colors and materials, zoom in, and zoom out. 3D product configuration can help communicate and explain your products in more detail, drive engagement, and boost business efficiency and quote accuracy, while closing sales faster.

PIXREADY will help you create a customized configuration, real-time interaction, and engagement around your products. This new experience will make your customers confident in their purchase decisions.

You can try the interactive product configurator below. See more examples and information on this page.


Explore 3d product visualization

Our process

Our 3D Product Configuration Process


Provide Input Materials

Share sketches, photos, CAD files, and exact measurements of your product. Submit brief specifications like sizes, materials, colors, textures, and add-ons. Include reference images or mood boards to showcase the desired look.


Initial Meeting

Meet with an account manager to discuss your project requirements. We’ll understand the purpose of the configuration, the products to visualize, and the desired style, format, and timeline.


Proposal Preparation

Based on the confirmed scope, we’ll prepare a proposal outlining the timeline, deliverables, and cost. Once approved, we’ll proceed with the project.


Scope Confirmation

PIXREADY creates documentation detailing the business rules for 3D web configurator logic and demonstrates relevant software options tailored to your project.



We’ll refine the 3d product configurator based on your feedback. Once the final version is approved, you can integrate it into your website.


Project Kickoff

We’ll start with a Proof of Concept (POC) configuration featuring limited options to ensure alignment with your vision. After the POC is confirmed, we’ll scale up and finalize the 3D configurator project, including two rounds of revisions within the budget.


What is 3D product rendering?

3D product rendering is the process of crafting highly realistic digital representations of products. It’s used by businesses to showcase their products in a visually compelling way for marketing, e-commerce, and design purposes.

What is the difference between 3D modeling and product 3D rendering services?

While 3D modeling involves creating the digital three-dimensional representation of an object, 3D rendering takes that model and transforms it into a two-dimensional image or animation. Essentially, modeling builds the digital object, and rendering brings it to life in a visual format.

Which products are suitable for 3D rendering?

3D rendering benefits a wide range of products, especially those with intricate details or varying textures, or those needing visualizations in diverse environments. Commonly rendered products include consumer goods, electronics, furniture, automotive, and industrial equipment.

What factors determine the cost of 3D product rendering services?

Our prices usually begin at $150 for a basic product rendering project. The cost is influenced by the complexity of the product, the level of detail required, and specific client preferences. To receive a detailed quote tailored to your project, please contact us.

How long does a 3D product visualization take?

A simple product 3D visualization project can be completed within 1 to 2 days. The exact timeline may vary based on the specifics and scope of the project. We prioritize delivering high-quality renderings promptly to meet your project deadlines.

Who owns the rights to the 3D renderings created for my product?

Upon completion of the project and full payment, the rights to the 3D product renders are transferred to the client. We are open to discussing specific details and licensing arrangements to ensure your needs regarding the use of the renderings are met.

What do I need to provide to start a 3D product rendering project?

To initiate a project, a product visualization studio will ask you to share detailed product specifications, reference images, and any specific materials or textures you want featured. Detailed information ensures a customized and accurate service delivery.

Let's discuss
your project
+1 (917) 893-7518

Supercharge Your Projects with 3D Product Rendering Services

Experience the power of PIXREADY's stunning 3D renderings. Transform ideas into compelling realities today

Supercharge your projects with 3d visualization