A Deep Dive Into CGI Technology Trends For Product Visualization In 2024

Dive into 2024’s CGI trends for cutting-edge product visualization. Explore the future of technology shaping design experiences.

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February 15, 2024
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A Deep Dive Into CGI Technology Trends For Product Visualization In 2024

As we stand on the threshold of 2024, it’s clear that Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) is a game-changer for businesses looking to showcase their brand and products in a new and engaging light.

CGI technology allows brands to create lifelike, 3D representations of their products for advertising. It offers a level of detail and realism that traditional photography struggles to match

Customers expect immersive experiences from online shopping. Therefore, CGI in product visualization is no longer nice-to-have; it’s a must. As we look ahead to 2024, understanding the trends shaping this field will be crucial. It will be essential for businesses wanting to stay relevant and competitive.

So, let’s take a deep dive into the future of CGI technology in product visualization, exploring what 2024 has in store for us. 

Understanding Computer Generated Image Technology in Product Visualization

Computer-generated imagery is a technology that creates graphical content using imaging software. This technology has evolved into an essential tool for businesses across diverse sectors.

CGI generates 3D images and graphics that can be manipulated to create realistic scenes or objects. These images are created using various software programs. The programs allow designers to build 3D models, apply textures, and create lighting effects that mimic the real world. The result is a hyper-realistic image. It can be viewed from multiple angles, providing a comprehensive visual representation of the object.

In the context of product visualization, CGI technology plays an instrumental role. It allows businesses to create lifelike representations of their products. They can do this even before the products exist physically. This not only aids in the product design and development process but also serves as a powerful marketing tool.

Key CGI Technology Trends in 2024

As we dive into the future of CGI technology for product visualization, it's clear that 2024 is bringing some exciting advancements. Let's take a look at the key trends shaping this landscape.

Realistic Material Rendering in Product Visualization

One of the standout trends in CGI technology is the advancement in realistic material rendering. This trend involves the development of sophisticated algorithms and techniques. They simulate the material appearance with unprecedented realism.

This trend lies in its ability to mimic the physical properties of materials accurately. It imitates the shine of silk, the roughness of concrete, or the transparency of glass. These advancements are made possible through detailed texture mapping tools, advanced lighting models, and physics-based image rendering techniques.

Augmented Reality (AR) Integration in Product Visualization

Augmented Reality (AR) is transforming the way we visualize products. AR enhances product visualization by providing interactive and immersive experiences. It overlays digital content onto the user’s real-world environment.

AR uses advanced computer vision and object recognition technologies. It overlays virtual objects in the real world. It also allows users to visualize products realistically and engagingly. One of the key benefits of AR when shopping is the ability to visualize products better in a realistic and personal context.

AI-Driven Automation in Product Visualization

Artificial intelligence is increasingly central in streamlining CGI workflows, marking it as one of the key trends of 2024. AI-driven automation uses machine learning algorithms and other AI technologies. It automates various aspects of product visualization. These aspects range from data collection and processing to image rendering and post-production management.

The impact of AI-driven automation on efficiency and quality in product visualization is significant. AI automates routine tasks and improves output quality. It allows businesses to create more realistic and engaging visualizations in less time. Therefore, this can lead to higher customer engagement, better conversion rates, and increased sales.

AI-driven automation can also help businesses make more data-driven decisions. AI software provides them with valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior. Automating, collecting, and analyzing data helps them optimize their products and marketing strategies.

Enhanced Interactive Visualization

Another key trend in CGI technology for 2024 is enhanced interactivity. This trend involves the creation and development of interactive CGI experiences. They allow users to engage with digital products more effectively and personally.

Interactive CGI experiences can range from simple 3D product spinners that let users view a product from all angles. They can also include more advanced AR and VR techniques that allow customers to virtually try out a product or see it in their environment. These experiences often use real-time rendering technologies. 

A 3D product configurator is one more potent tool that leverages the power of enhanced interactivity. It not only improves customer engagement but also aids in decision-making. Customers can visualize the end product in real-time before making a purchase. Additionally, it reduces the need for physical prototypes, saving time and resources.

The Impact of 2024 CGI Technology Trends on Different Industries

Advancing CGI technology is impacting a wide range of industries. As an example, we’ll take furniture, automotive, and e-commerce. Let’s explore how these sectors are using CGI for product visualization and the success they’re achieving.


Furniture Industry: Visualize Physical Properties

The furniture industry market is set to experience a significant transformation thanks to the advancements in CGI technology. These changes will affect how furniture is designed, manufactured, marketed, and sold.

Such a CGI technology trend as realistic material rendering is revolutionizing the design and manufacturing processes in the furniture industry. With digital prototyping, designers can create realistic 3D models of furniture pieces. This allows them to experiment with different designs, materials, and finishes. They don’t need costly physical prototypes. This speeds up the design process and encourages innovation and creativity.

Moreover, with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), designers can virtually place their creations in different environments. They can see how they fit and look. This provides a more comprehensive understanding of the design. It enables designers to make necessary adjustments before manufacturing begins.

CGI enhances marketing and sales. It provides lifelike visuals of furniture. This enhances the customer shopping experience. With product visualization (CGI Configurator), customers can view furniture items from different angles. They can zoom in to see intricate details and customize features like color or fabric.

Product Configurator project with AR showcasing intricate product details
3D Product Configurator (with AR) Project for MAJUNO by PIXREADY

Furthermore, AR technology allows customers to place furniture in their homes virtually. This gives them a better idea of how the item will fit and blend with their decor. This immersive shopping experience helps customers make informed purchasing decisions. It also reduces the likelihood of returns.

Additionally, CGI animations can demonstrate how furniture pieces function. For instance, they can show how a convertible sofa turns into a bed or how a storage cabinet opens. This interactive feature adds another layer of engagement. It makes online shopping dynamic and enjoyable.

CGI technology trend-Augmented reality, showing 3D furniture model in detail
CGI Technology Trend - AR in Custom Project for MAJUNO by PIXREADY

Example of Successful Realistic Material Rendering Trend Application - for Dutch Furniture Brand by PIXREADY

A renowned furniture company aimed to showcase its products in different forms, settings, and environments.

PIXREADY's professionals leveraged the power of 3D interior rendering. They used realistic material rendering to present furniture more detailed and lifelike. This enhanced the visual appeal of the products.

AR technology enabled the designers to experiment with different furniture placements different colors, layouts, materials, and textures. It ensured optimal use of available space and created engaging experiences for their audience.

The result was a series of outstanding 3D interior renderings. They significantly elevated the brand’s presence.

3D product visualization, example of realistc material rendering
3D Product Visualization for Furniture Brand by PIXREADY

Automotive Industry: Streamline Business with CGI

Significant shifts are expected in the automotive industry. They are largely due to the demand and advancements in CGI technology. These trends are expected to revolutionize how vehicles are designed, manufactured, and marketed.

With CGI technology, automotive designers can create highly detailed and realistic 3D models of vehicles during the design phase. Realistic material rendering is a key feature of CGI technology. This allows for a more efficient and cost-effective design process. Potential issues can be identified and rectified before physical prototyping.

Additionally, designers can use AR and VR technologies. They can interact with these models to create an immersive environment. This provides a better understanding of the vehicle’s aesthetics and ergonomics.

CGI has also found its application in streamlining the manufacturing process. Manufacturers can simulate the assembly process through CGI and AI. This helps them identify potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies. This can create a more optimized production line, reducing costs and improving product quality.

The marketing aspect of the automotive industry is also set to change with CGI technology. Virtual showrooms are powered by CGI, AR, and VR technologies. They allow customers to explore vehicles in detail from their homes. 

Successful Realistic Material Rendering Trend Application - for DriveMind's Innovative Autonomous Delivery Vehicles by PIXREADY

DriveMind is a visionary autonomous delivery company from New Jersey. They identified the need to effectively showcase their groundbreaking product compellingly and realistically.

The PIXREADY’s 3D artists used Photorealistic Rendering principles. This allowed to present lifelike images, providing stakeholders and their business clients with a comprehensive understanding of the product's aesthetics and functionality.

The successful application of realistic material rendering elevated DriveMind's brand. It also effectively communicated the innovative nature of its product. This led to increased investment interest in its autonomous vehicle technology.

Product 3D visualization, showcasing delivery vehicle in city landscape
3D Product Visualization for DriveMind by PIXREADY

E-Commerce: Differentiate Brands

CGI technology is taking product visualization to new heights in the e-commerce industry. Retailers can now use high-quality 3D models and 3D animations to showcase their products. Customers can rotate the products, zoom in to see finer details, and customize the product according to their preferences. This level of interactivity enhances the shopping customers' experience. It helps customers make more informed purchasing decisions.

AR technology, powered by CGI, is set to revolutionize the online shopping experience. With AR, customers can virtually ‘try on’ products or visualize them in their own space before purchasing. For example, a customer can see how a pair of glasses would look on their face or how a sofa would fit in their living room. This immersive shopping experience reduces the uncertainty associated with online shopping. It can lead to higher conversion rates and lower return rates.

With the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer-generated image, e-commerce businesses can offer more personalized shopping experiences. AI can analyze a customer’s internet browsing and purchasing history to recommend products they might like. These recommendations can then be visualized using CGI assets. This allows customers to interact with the suggested products as if they were in a physical store.

Example of Successful Enhanced Interactivity Trend Application - For A German Kitchen Manufacturer by PIXREADY

The German manufacturer recognized the need for an interactive visualization tool to help customers visualize their desired kitchen layout, materials, and appliances.

PIXREADY’s 3D product configurator was the perfect solution.

It allowed end customers, dealers, and sales teams to create multiple bespoke kitchen designs tailored to each client and their specific needs and preferences.


As we’ve seen, 2024 is set to be an exciting year for CGI technology in product visualization. The key trends we’ve explored - realistic material rendering, AR integration, AI-driven automation, and enhanced interactivity solutions - are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in digital product representation.

These trends revolutionize how businesses showcase products and engage with customers.

However, it's crucial for companies to note that these trends are not just for the tech-savvy or large corporations. CGI and related technologies are becoming more accessible and affordable. Companies of all sizes across various industries can use and benefit from these trends to improve their product visuals.

PIXREADY, your trusted partner in 3D visualization and modeling services, is at the forefront of these emerging trends. We may help you use CGI assets to create photorealistic product renderings. This will raise the value of your brand and captivate your target audience.

Are you ready to take your product visuals to the next level? Contact PIXREADY today. Discover how our cutting-edge 3D rendering services can showcase your products.

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Founded by a group of technology, architecture, and design professionals in 2018, PIXREADY is one of the challengers empowering the 3D visualization industry and making its products and services more affordable. We are determined to assist businesses around the world to create photorealistic images of their products and ideas and enrich the experience of their clients. We focus on the details, with the highest precision in every pixel.


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