A Full Guide to 3D Architectural Aerial Renderings

Explore the world of 3D architectural aerial renderings in this article. Discover their benefits and learn how they're created.

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Published on
March 23, 2021
Read time
7.5 min
A Full Guide to 3D Architectural Aerial Renderings

All industries, including construction and real estate, are ever-evolving and prone to changes. With so many technological advances and different marketing options, making your construction company stand out can be quite difficult. However, if you use these awesome innovations to your advantage, you'll bring in a lot of potential buyers and new clients, and your business will bloom.

One such must-have innovation is known as aerial renderings. Aerial renderings are a type of digital art that showcases your property from afar, which is why people often refer to it as ‘'bird's eye view renderings.'' This is a great way to get high-quality images to add life to your presentations and to shut down the competition.

If you're thinking about creating and implementing 3D architectural aerial renderings in your marketing offer or landscape design project but are unsure whether it's a good fit – you came to the right place. In this article, we'll go in-depth about aerial 3D renderings, talk about who needs them, discuss the benefits, and learn how they're created. Let's start.


In the simplest of terms, an aerial view rendering lets you view residential or commercial spaces on a grander scale. When you create classic architecture aerial view shots, the photographer sets the camera angle at a high altitude, at 45-60 degrees – to be more precise. So, it basically looks like a zoomed-out picture. 3D architectural aerial renderings are pretty much the same thing. The only difference is that when creating an aerial view 3D rendering, artists use technology to create a visually realistic representation of what your site/building will look like from a bird's eye view.

These types of architectural renderings can be used to create a realistic map of the site where the project is placed, ensuring that your clients know how it will look from afar. Your clients can also use these renderings as a map of the project details, future building, and surrounding terrain. Lastly, these images offer extremely detailed attributes that can’t be found in traditional front, rear, and side elevations. However, these are only two benefits in the sea of others, which we'll cover in-depth further in the article – stay tuned. Before we dive into that, let's see whether aerial renderings are suitable for you and your business' needs.

 aerial rendering of the house exudes modern elegance
Beautiful House in Sunny California – Aerial Rendering by PIXREADY


Architectural and aerial 3D rendering services are most commonly used in real estate and property marketing, though their applications are certainly not limited to those two. When it comes to these two industries, aerial 3D renderings are helpful for viewing massive properties, buildings, or land that you plan to build on or develop. As we have mentioned before, it also shows off the visual impact of the property's surroundings:

  • Surrounding buildings and lots
  • Landscape
  • Terrain
  • Roads
  • Parking lots
  • Features
  • And more

Ground-level shots often fall short of capturing the grand scale, details, and true beauty of a home or commercial structure compared to bird's eye view. The size of a whole building, a massive house, or the scenery on a large piece of land cannot be displayed properly in photos taken from the ground.

Aerial renderings can also be used to showcase which land is available for development projects. Companies and investors that want to build homes, offices, commercial developments, resorts, playgrounds, stadiums, schools, or other buildings on a piece of land need to know the exact dimensions of the land before they can make their plans. And they have to be familiar with the environment around the project area.

Real estate developers can also benefit from 3D aerial rendering technology. It can show your potential clients or customers the actual size of the desired building, or you can use it to track the progress of a project as it's being developed.

To conclude, aerial 3d renderings are suitable for everyone who works on anything property-related to encourage investors – architects, 3D marketers and advertisers, investors, developers, agents, customers, etc.

aerial 3d renders, the exterior of the house features a warm palette of earthy tones
Beautiful House in Sunny California – Aerial Rendering by PIXREADY


Using 3D aerial renderings comes with a wide set of benefits, which we'll cover in this section:

  • It reduces errors – aerial scene rendering is a great way to increase the quality of the end result because it gives us a great overview of what needs to be fixed or improved. You can locate any irregularities easily and act accordingly – your clients will be impressed.
  • It's quick – speed is very important in all sorts of projects, so ensuring that you deliver top-notch results quickly can change the game. Aerial renderings will allow your clients to advertise early, even if the site hasn't been fully completed.
  • It's multi-purpose – aerial architectural renderings have more than one purpose – they can be used to map out the terrain, create beautiful presentations, locate errors and terrain irregularities, but also as the real scale map of the landscape.
  • It increases the chances of making a sale – aerial rendering technology is also very appealing to the eye. For example, if you're looking to showcase some community-type projects to prospective buyers, investors, or developers, using aerial renderings is the best way to draw them in and show off your idea. Being able to visualize yourself in a certain neighborhood can make or break the purchase. So, using 3D architectural aerial renderings on billboards and banners will increase the chances of making a sale because it gives your customers a sense of trust and security – they know exactly how their new neighborhood will look once the construction is complete.


In the past, only airplanes or helicopters could have captured aerial views or photographs of an area to rent. Obviously, this option is very expensive, even if you want to rent it. Drones with the same capacities can now be bought for a fraction of the cost, which allows aerial views and photography to be more accessible to everyone. In addition to capturing standard videos or images, drones have allowed artists to have access to software and map the topography of a designed area accurately, thus adding a new level of context and accuracy to the 3D aerial rendering process.

Then, we use photogrammetry to visualize and make all the necessary calculations. Photogrammetry is not a new technology, but it has various applications, including aerial photogrammetry. Basically, this term describes “the science of making measurements from photographs.”

In 3D view architecture, the camera is mounted under a plane, helicopter, or drone and is pointing towards the ground. During several passes, several photos are taken of the area and then processed with the photogrammetry software to determine the details of the area's topography and environment. This data can be generated in various formats according to the user's needs.

It is important for architects or 3D rendering artists to have a clear vision and goal in their minds to be able to recreate the area correctly. Luckily for architects, aerial photogrammetry will enable you to map out any space in outstanding detail. And you can use the said detailed information to identify any potential issues, figure out how to solve them and save a lot of time and money in the long run.

bird's eye view rendering presents a captivating panorama of a countryside landscape
Lilhagsparken – Aerial Rendering by PIXREADY


Outsourcing any type of 3D modeling and visualization, including aerial renderings, comes with a set of benefits. Whether you need to outsource such services depends on your volume of work, as well as company size and needs. Remember that hiring an in-house team bears many additional costs that you might not have considered until now.

Besides hiring a dedicated team, you'll have to provide them with software, office space, salaries, health insurance, and a plethora of other small things that cost a lot of money. If you think that this isn't the right move for you, then you should definitely consider outsourcing. Some key benefits include:


Obviously, outsourcing services is much cheaper compared to forming an in-house team. You don't have to worry about insurance, office space, salaries, etc.


Rendering companies that outsource their services are usually professionals with decades of combined experience in this area of expertise. That means that they'll be able to deliver high-quality results quickly and efficiently.

Reduced management burden 

Lastly, opting for outsourcing will significantly reduce the workload of your management. Instead of having to focus on onboarding the new visualization team, they can focus on other important company tasks, while professionals will take care of all your rendering needs.


Aerial 3D renderings are probably the best way to showcase a piece of land or a property with immense detail. As we have already seen, it comes with an outstanding set of benefits and virtually no downfalls. Remember, though, that finding a quality aerial 3D rendering company can make or break your future property designs.

If outsourcing 3D and aerial rendering services is something that you need, then look no further. At PIXREADY, we do all sorts of property CGI visualization services, including 3D architectural aerial renderings.

Our 3D rendering company takes pride in delivering high-quality work with extreme attention to detail. So far, we've worked with dozens of satisfied clients who have used our renderings for architectural projects to improve their return on investment or for business presentations.

So, if you're in need of 3D Animation or any other type of visualization, schedule a discovery call with our team, share your thoughts and concerns, and we'll do our absolute best to help you out.

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Founded by a group of technology, architecture, and design professionals in 2018, PIXREADY is one of the challengers empowering the 3D visualization industry and making its products and services more affordable. We are determined to assist businesses around the world to create photorealistic images of their products and ideas and enrich the experience of their clients. We focus on the details, with the highest precision in every pixel.


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